I'd love love love a pair of black skinny jeans
I love these from The Gap.
This Kate Spade About Town Idiom Bangle
This Bow Waist Pleated Skirt from Forever 21

This Burnout Flyaway Cardigan from Express
This Flared Maxi Skirt from Express
This Breezy Blouse from Old Navy that all the regulars on the nest fashion & beauty board have been going nuts over. It's super cute and looks super comfy too.
This Ruched Open Front Boyfriend Blazer by Lauren Conrad at Kohls. Not only do I love Lauren, but I adore her style as well and love this blazer! I found this on Miss K's Love Lipstick and Pearl's Blog under her recent purchases. I loved everything she's purchased, but this really stood out as something I'd like to jump on.
We're still trying to make purchases for the house, but I'm sure I can squeeze in a few wardrobe purchases in the next few weeks ;0)
I definitely have the "new Fall wardrobe" bug too!! :) Those would be great additions to your wardrobe! Have a great day!