Summer Trip to Connecticut

It had been almost 2 years since we visited family in Connecticut (quick backstory - we both grew up in CT, but moved to Florida in 2010). With all the recent health scares for both of my parents (catch up here), we felt it was important to visit and squeeze in quality time with both sides of our family which meant lots of cousin time for Lil' Miss. 

We were supposed to land in White Plains, NY around 8:00 on Wednesday evening but ended up landing in Hartford after multiple delays then circling the NYC area for a while and diverting due to weather. Landing at either airport is ok due to the proximity to family in CT. However, we had a rental car booked in White Plains, and it was 2:30 am so the rental car places in Hartford were closed. Thankfully, my in-laws were still awake waiting to hear that we had landed and my father in-law was able to pick us up. In the middle of the night. In a storm. By the time we got settled in at their house and showered it was after 5:00 am and the sun was rising. 

We took what I call a nap before H had to log on to his computer for work, and I let Lil' Miss sleep in. Once she was up, and had breakfast my parents picked us up to go to lunch and go to the orchard for raspberry picking. Remember - no rental car? H had to have his father drive him to White Plains (this is after picking us up in the middle of the night), and they got stuck in a ton of traffic. I always complain about Florida traffic, but I always forget how awful traffic in Connecticut and New York is. Yikes. Thankfully, it was all up hill from there. 

Lil' Miss was SO excited to be reunited with her cousin and they were adorable and giggly at the orchard looking for the "pretty" berries.

Then it was time to meet up with H's sister and our brother in-law and nephew for dinner. Our best man and maid of honor from our wedding 14 years ago joined us, and it was a mini-wedding party reunion over our favorite wings and wraps at Archie Moore's.

I spent Friday over at my parents house with my brother helping them clean and organize their stuff so they can finally join us and move to Florida. They've been talking about it for years, but between lots of health set backs and other various reasons it just hasn't happened yet. I mostly worked on the kitchen while my brother worked on their various files, items to shred, and fixed things around the house. There's still so much more to do, but that will be for another trip when they're feeling better and won't be as overwhelmed. 

I headed over to my sister in-law's which is right up the hill from where I grew up. Lil' Miss had been there most of the day playing in the pool and running around the yard with her cousin. We grilled dinner and had s'mores by the fire. The perfect summer evening.

On Saturday morning, we got ready to head to Lake Compounce for the day with my brother and our niece. I may live down the road from Universal, Disney World, and Sea World - but I grew up going to Lake Compounce in the summer. Lots of fun memories over the years. It's the oldest amusement park in the country, and Boulder Dash was the fastest wooden roller coaster on the planet until recently, but still ranks high. Lil' Miss declared it her favorite ride! 

Romper {available in 10 colors] | Sunnies

I scored the front row on Boulder Dash, and my niece requested to sit with me, and Lil' Miss sat with my brother while H rocked it in the 3rd row. I forgot how intense this coaster was since I'm so used to the coasters at Universal. It takes you up the mountain through the woods before the first drop, and the rest of the ride is really fast and it shakes you in a way that the steel coasters don't. 

As we continued our tour of Connecticut, we met up with my high school bestie and her fam for dinner at a new to us Mexican restaurant which was of course YUM. I always look forward to catching up, and it's always as if no time has passed. 

On Sunday, we went to brunch at 66 Church before heading back to my sister in-law's for more swimming and cousin time. Have I mentioned lately how much I love the summer time?

On Monday, we checked out a local coffee shop while H worked remotely before heading to lunch with my family. Lil' Miss had slept over at her cousin's house, and we were excited to see her. 

Midi Dress | Crossbody Bag | Sandals in Sea Shell Patent

That evening, we went to dinner with one of H's best friends from high school. He has also moved south, but happened to be in town visiting family as well so we took advantage of all being back in CT to catch up over dinner.

On Tuesday morning, I brought my mom to the hospital for her monthly infusion while H worked from his parent's house. Unfortunately, my mom needed to be admitted after the infusion due to another infection that isn't clearing on it's own. Thankfully, it's not related to her heart but it's still hard to watch her suffer and have so many setbacks. I'm glad I was able to spend that time with her, but hope she can recover from home in the coming days. 

I raced back to finish packing, and get some work done for a client before we headed to lunch with beautiful views of the golf course with H's family. 

Lil's Miss and my nephew with their grandparents at lunch. This trip reminded me how much I loved CT in the summer time. The winters (and the high cost of living) is what caused us to move to Florida, but I do still have a big soft spot for the summers. Definitely making this an annual trip! 

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  1. I'm sorry to hear that your mom is having some health issues. I hope she is on the mend soon. That's so exciting that they're going to be moving to be with you in Florida!

  2. Prayers to your sweet mom, hope she gets to go home soon and feels better. Wow! You got a lot of family time in and how fun that some are moving to Florida to be closer to you.


  3. Family time is the best. So exciting that your parents will be moving closer to you in Florida!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. I'm so sorry that your Mom is having health issues and hope she feels better soon. It's great that she will be closer to you in Florida
    Julia x

  5. It sounds like you had a productive and meaningful day helping your parents get ready for their move. Organizing and cleaning can be such a big task, especially with everything they’ve been through. It’s great that you and your brother are able to support them through this transition. Wishing you all the best as you continue to prepare for their move to Florida.

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