What I've Learned

Each day we've been quarantined, I look for all the good in this current situation. Like my favorite local coffee shop that sells bags and k-cups of their signature brews, online streaming of my favorite workouts, and that the sun has been shining bright almost daily. I'm trying to not let my anxiety get the best of me, and trust God will carry us all through this soon. As positive as I'm striving to be, I've also learned a lot in the few short weeks (have they actually been short though?) we've been hunkered down at home.

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What I've Learned

~ Living in athleisure and pajamas is good for the soul. No bra? No problem! I've gotten dressed once the entire time we've been home so far, and this was the outfit. It felt great to feel somewhat normal again, but it also felt just as great to change back into stretchy clothes.

~ That I don't have anywhere near as much free time to do all the things that I thought I'd have. I'm still working, and have been much busier than usual which means longer hours into the evening and on the weekend. Oh - and we have a toddler. 

~ Elle Woods was right about exercise giving you endorphins - no matter how busy I am, I try to make time for an at-home sweat session. (I talked about how I've been working out at home here)

~ If you need an instant pick-me-up turn on the tv, and watch Impractical Jokers. They're on constantly on TruTV and the first season is available on Netflix. Also - their first movie is available to rent/stream on April 1st. 

~ I haven't online shopped.... at all. I'm trying to be extra careful with our money until we know both of our jobs are safe after all of this. It's so scary, but I'm extremely thankful we both are able to work from home. Save, save, save!

~ Making my mom's homemade bread recipe with Lil' Miss is exactly what I needed over the weekend. Because nostalgia and carbs.

~ It's ok to miss sports (what should have been opening day for baseball hurt) and normal activities outside of the home. 

~ If you have an outdoor space - take your laptop and morning cup of coffee (or wine - I'm not judging) and sit outside in the fresh air listening to nature. 

~ Board games are where it's at! Huge Monopoly lover over here!

~ It's ok to let go of a lot of things - like our 10th anniversary trip or my parents moving down here by Easter.

~ I can paint my own toenails. I always paint my own nails (which I've stopped doing while quarantined), but usually treat myself to pedicures. Since that's not an option, I've started painting my own toes which is not an easy task!

~ Even though I'm home, I need to wear deodorant - ha! I usually don't wear it when relaxing at home because chemicals. But when you're home every.single.day you have to wear it at some point. 

~ 4th day hair is actually a thing, and I'm now proud of it! 

~ Take out tastes even better when you're supporting a local business. 

What have you learned during our extra time at home?

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  1. I hear ya on not having nearly as much time as I thought I would - toddler and work! I am grateful that we are both working and have the ability to do our jobs from the safety of our homes. The first week I was so good at working out, but then it got a little harder but I want to get back to it this week! I also didn't realize how much I missed cooking until I was doing it every day for 3 meals a day! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. For my mental health, I have been working out and taking the kids for a walk most days as well. I also removed all polish from my meals during this time. There are so many blessings though, we have never gotten as much family time, had a little adventures or baked so much . Hence the need for the exercise LOL

  3. I've got to start doing at home workouts. Our park district just announced that they will be streaming them and I'm really excited! We've been playing lots of board games on the Wii! Stay safe and healthy!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. I adore your perspective on everything my friend! Not only do you look adorable but you are such a good mommy! I love that you a little Miss made your mom‘s bread recipe! Yum

  5. This post made me smile. Thank you.

  6. I think we are all learning some really good perspectives on things through this experience! There are so many things I took for granted that I definitely will not anymore!

  7. It is so good to look at the positive side and see what we have learned instead of lost. I want to learn your mom's bread recipe! Home workouts are the literal highlight of my life right now. Have a great week!

  8. love your positive attitude!
    Hope you stay healthy and safe
    style frontier

  9. Yes to every thing on this list. Love how you're finding the positives!

  10. Impractical Jokers is hilarious!!! I haven't bought anything other than food. I just cut off spending because I'm not working!

  11. I haven't worn real clothes since March 13th! Or put makeup on! I have been showering daily, washing my hair every other day and putting on deodorant though lol. It is crazy how much time I dont have, even though we are home all day. Having a toddler doesn't really allow for any down time until they are in bed. Zoe is refusing naps right now too.

  12. OK I love this list!! I love the idea of focusing of the positives rather than the negatives..because there are a lot. I've enjoyed the working out too. I seem to really take it all in when I'm outside; like smelling the grass and hearing the birds. It really calms my anxiety!



  13. 4th hair day lol I hear you. Yes there is not enough time in the day in some ways. Between maintaining a blog, a YT channel, learning photography and French I can not do it all. And I will have to check out Impractical Jokers! Hope you are well and yes the financial situation is very scary.

    Allie of

  14. You have the right outlook, babe- finding the good, wherever we can, is really important right now. And the sunshine definitely helps! It's been sunny in KC the past few days and it's been wonderful to get outside on the deck and have a glass of wine at the end of the day. :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  15. Yes to all of this. I haven't bought that much either. Just a few necessities and somethings that have been on sale. I am still washing my hair daily as that makes me feel better. I am so thankful for take out. We are cooking soooo much and it is nice to get take out about once a week. I have definitely learned a lot about myself and my family these last few weeks.

  16. Yess to all the stretchy clothes- though it does feel good to get dressed sometimes too. Fresh air is the best and it looks like you guys have such a great outdoor space- totally jealous of your pool. So exciting your parents are moving down, though I can imagine the disappointment in having to wait. My mom was just planning to come for a visit, and obviously had to cancel and I've been so sad about that.

  17. These are all amazing and so true! Exercise has definitely been getting me through these tough times AND I also REALLY need to take a page from your book and stop online shopping. It has been so tempting while we have all of this extra time but we really need to focus on saving too! Stay safe friend!

    Rosy Outlook 

  18. YES to the exercises gives you the endorphins! I've been sticking to my routine and trying to add in more walks because I can tell when I'm building up too much anxiety! Takeout does tastes even better because I know it's helping beloved local businesses! What barre workout do you recommend that you've streamed lately? Great post friend!!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams 

  19. I totally feel you on the time thing! I thought for sure I'd be able to keep up with everything since we now no longer have sports and extracurriculars. Turns out, NOPE. Homeschooling takes up most of our day now and I have less time than ever to get anything done. It's just crazy. I'm glad you're trying to see the positives, though. I'm trying with all my might but I have had some rough days recently. I'm hoping things start to look up soon.

  20. Great notes. I think going outside in your backyard or even balcony if you don't have one is essential for some fresh air while still keeping indoors too. I've been watching finances too, haven't been shopping at all, even though am very much tempted. That said I will "splurge" on some take out to help support some local places since they were one of the first to be impacted by the coronavirus


  21. I am loving wearing casual stretchy clothes right now, it's going to be so hard going back to 'normal' clothes once this is all over xo

    Makeup Muddle

  22. While it is a strange and scary time you're right there are some good points to everything that's going on. I'm wearing a lot of casual outfits as well, when I'm not wearing pyjamas, haha!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend :) We all stayed home and stayed safe, hope you did too.

    Away From Blue

  23. Love these shorts on you. I agree with you, working out has never felt better now that we are home Stay safe . xx


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