Slow and Steady

I closed out 2022 unexpectedly, and not in a good way. I experienced my first ever (and hopefully my last) bout of food poisoning. At first, I thought it was the worst stomach virus ever and then realized this is no virus. After enjoying a delicious lunch out during the holiday break, we stopped to do some shopping and enjoyed a few drinks at one of our favorite local spots. Then it was about 40 minutes home from there, and my leftovers sat in the car a little too long. I re-heated it for lunch the next day, and noticed it looked and tasted different. After a bite or two I dumped it down the sink, but apparently the damage was done. Word of advice - if you don't head straight home with restaurant leftovers just throw it away. It's NOT worth it. 

I was in bed for a few days after being ill, and it took almost a full week to feel like myself again. The lingering stomach pains and fatigue were no joke, but I am thrilled to be back in a normal routine. Once I had the energy, I began taking down the Christmas décor (which always makes me sad) and took breaks to lay down when needed and ventured out for a lunch date with H while Lil' Miss was at school. 

Thankfully, by the following weekend I was able to head to a local food truck festival where I enjoyed a wine slushie from the Brix and Mortar tent and the BEST pretzel from the Amish Pretzel food truck. We actually headed to the festival when I saw that their truck would be there. The pretzels are THAT good. 

OTS Sweater {40% off} | Denim Skirt | Sunnies {similar} | Necklace | Crossbody Bag | Lipstick in Crème Cup | Leopard Sneakers

The BEST pretzel ever in all her glory!

Dress {old - similar} | Ankle Booties | Double Ring

On Sunday, we headed to dinner with the family of Lil' Miss' new bestie from school. They are two peas in a pod, and it was nice to get to know their family a little more over amazing food. I'm also happy to be thoroughly enjoying food again - ha! 

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  1. What a scary ordeal. My sister had a bout of it last year, and almost landed in the hospital because she became so dehydrated. I'm SO happy you're feeling back to normal. Here's to better memories in 2023 :) xo


  2. I am SO glad you are feeling better and enjoying food and drinks again! I totally get that, when you get so sick you have to lay down in-between doing things due to being so weak! That dress you wore to the festival is so pretty!


  3. Oh man, that sounds awful. I'm not sure if I've ever had food poisoning, but B got it on our honeymoon and it was terrible. He was sick as a dog for most of our honeymoon which obviously sucked. Haha. Some day I need to tell that story on the blog. Haha. I'm so glad you're feeling better! And thanks for the PSA. I'll make sure to be extra careful with leftovers!

  4. I would have done the same thing by eating it after it sat without thinking. I definitely won't be doing that anymore.
