Workin' it in Singapore

I'm baaaaaack! I can't rave enough about traveling to Singapore... for work! I've always heard the expression "love what you do", and I couldn't be more proud to say that after several years of crappy jobs I finally love what I do. I have two more big work trips coming up, so stay tuned to find out what fun city I'll be visiting next.

I always get nervous about how uncomfortable I'll be on long flights, and not sleeping well. The longest flight I had been on before this trip was 10 hours between LA and Fiji, so knowing this trip would be a couple hours to Minneapolis, then 12 hours to Seoul, South Korea, and then another 5 and 1/2 hours to Singapore I was dreading the "getting there" part. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't that bad... I upgraded to Comfort+ (for only $39!) for the longest flight, and each flight had meal service, complimentary bar drinks, and countless movies and tv shows to watch. I also had some great travel buddies from work, and realized it was SO worth the long trip once we got there. 

We flew up and over Canada and Alaska instead of cutting straight across, and then came back down over Russia and China. 

Free wine and Impractical Jokers? YES please! 

Descending into Seoul, South Korea

The Singapore airport is GORGEOUS!

After 28+ hours of travel, it felt amazing to get checked in to the hotel where I immediately took a shower and got settled in. Facetiming H and lil' miss was a must of course! 

Even the toiletry holder was a little guitar - such a cool touch!

The next morning, a group of us went to quickly check out Gardens by the Bay and the iconic roof top at Marina Bay Sands before we needed to hit the ground running that afternoon for the big event. Because, what's jet lag?

The view from the top!

There was a Formula 1 race the same weekend, and I loved how the track went around the Singapore Flyer wheel.

That afternoon and evening I was running around capturing content for work, and then was able to venture out for a bit near the hotel to check out the Universal Studios globe (yeah I know we have one here in Orlando, but it was SO cool to see it in Singapore). We grabbed a quick drink in their version of City Walk which is called Festive Walk before exhaustion set in.

That was the most I got out for the rest of the trip since I was super busy, and when ever I'd get back to my room I'd end up working for several hours before crashing. I know, I'm exciting...

How gorgeous was the hotel pool?! I swooned over it each and every day, and finally got a chance to take a nice dip after the event was over. It was perfect to soothe my achey muscles and back because I am in fact an old lady.

Star Gala Ready

Already time to leave - comfort was key for almost 36 hours of travel

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  1. Wow! What a whirlwind, fun trip! I went to singapore 6 years ago! So different and so beautiful! Great that you got to explore a bit. Did you try chili crab?

  2. Now that is a work trip! I can't believe you were halfway around the world! It looked so fun from your stories!!

  3. What an AMAZING opportunity, so so happy for you! I love all the pictures, everything looks beautiful. And only $40 for all those upgrade benefits? YES PLEASE!

  4. Welcome back!! What an amazing opportunity for you and I'm so glad that you got to experience it!

  5. Very exciting work trip, and I'm glad you got to do some stuff on your own and enjoy downtime!

  6. WOW this is awesome girl!! Singapore is one of the only Asian cities I have an interest in visiting. I haven't done a long flight since Australia so just reading the 28 hours gives me a twist in my stomach! It looks like a magical place and I'm so happy for you that you are loving your job!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams 

  7. This looks amazing!!! What an experience, looks like you had a blast too!!

    xx, Elise

  8. My goodness, I never realized how gorgeous Singapore is! I'm going to have to add that to my bucket list!

  9. that's amazing! singapore is on my bucket list but damn, the flight is SO LONG

  10. What an epic destination for your work trip! I'm so happy that you're loving your job! I think long flights to exotic destinations are totally worth it! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  11. I LOVE all of these pictures! And I sure wish my work would send me somewhere cool like this. Wow!! It was so fun following along on Stories. Looked like an amazing time. You really are blessed!


  12. WOW what a cool opportunity!! Looks and sounds like you had a blast! Just so happy you love your work.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  13. What an amaaaazing trip- and you got paid to do it, yesss girl!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. Looks so amazing, and that is awesome that you got to go for work! I am sure you are exhausted after all that travel. I have never been on a flight that long!

  15. What a great trip. I hate long plane rides too, but sometimes you just gotta' do it. Love those darling sneakers too.
    Thanks for joining our linkup.

  16. All of your pictures look gorgeous, what an amazing trip! You look so cute in all your outfits, I am still loving those KS shoes! 28 hours of flying sounds terrifying to me, but watching shoes and movies would definitely make it better.

  17. Singapore is simply incredible indeed. I absolutely love the Super trees light show.
    Jessica |

  18. What an incredible place to travel to for work! It looks absolutely gorgeous!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  19. This was such a cool trip to follow on IG. I loved seeing Singapore. I have always wanted to visit there and now I want to go even more.

  20. I can't believe it was only $39 to upgrade! Such a steal! As I said, that jet lag is oh so real. I'm impressed with how well you did and how put together you looked! I felt like I was on the struggle bus when I went to China for work. I remember getting in the pool and thinking the same thing... when did I get old. lol.

  21. Ooh, I'm so happy you loved Sing!! I lived there for almost 7.5 years just recently (back in NYC now) so it holds such a special place in my heart...! But dang, you took one heck of a route to get there!! ;)
