I Officially Watch Too Much TV

I Officially Watch Too Much TV

You know that embarrassed feeling you get when you realize your DVR is completely overloaded with mindless tv that you just have to watch? Yep... that's me! And what makes it worse is 95% of it is on Monday nights creating scheduling conflicts with my DVR. I can't stand our cable provider and soooo wish AT&T Uverse was available in our neighborhood. I miss it so much! H showed me tonight that both Smash and 2 Broke Girls won't record this upcoming Monday since I have too many other...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day! We're halfway there ladies, we can do this! Linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday. ~ I'm loving that Boyz II Men, NKOTB, and 98 Degrees are going on tour together! Must.buy.tickets!! ~ I'm loving that the Super Bowl is this Sunday! I'm sad for football to be over, but can't wait to have fun with friends over good food and beers. ~ I'm loving that H's parents are officially house hunting down here. It'll be so nice to have some family here...

Super Bowl Goodies

Super Bowl Goodies

I can't believe the super bowl is coming up this weekend! Our same friend who threw a party last year is hosting again this year and she has the great idea that all the ladies bring something to eat and all the fellas bring something to drink. This way, the host doesn't have to burden themselves with the cost and the time it takes to prepare and supply a ton of food and drinks for everyone. Genius! Last year, I brought cookie dough dip but this year, I plan on bringing something more savory. My...

Weekend Wrap Up

Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, how are we meeting again? I thought I told you we are NOT friends! :-P I'm happy to report that H and I had a super relaxing weekend which was really nice for a change. Friday, we came home and had happy hour at the house. I made some apps, and we drank our own drinks (whoo hoo FREE!), and watched a Netflix. Great cozy night at home, I love those! Saturday, I got up early and went to my re-scheduled hair appointment that was originally set for the week before but I was too sick (due to...

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

Happy Sunday! Time to link up with Ashley and Neely for Sunday Social. 1. What is your ideal way to relax? ~ I have several different modes of relaxation... on Sundays it could be snuggled up on the couch with H and Roxy and a cup of coffee. On a Friday afternoon, it's with a margarita at happy hour, on a weeknight it could be going for a pedicure and enjoying being pampered. Either way, there is either a glass of wine, a cup of coffee, or a margarita in hand ;0) 2....

Weekly What?

Weekly What?

I usually don't do a post on Saturdays, but I knew I had to link up with the fabulous Jenn's new link up: It's a fantastical idea of recapping your posts from the past week all in one spot which is a great idea for those of us who don't have enough time during the week to keep up with all the awesome blogs we follow and play catch up on the weekends. If one of your fav bloggers participates in this link up, you can catch up on all their posts from the past week in one convenient spot......