Super Bowl Goodies

Super Bowl Goodies

I can't believe the Super Bowl is already coming up in 5 days! Seriously, how is it already 2012, and how is January over?! Neither of the teams I was rooting for made it.. RIP Saints and Broncos.. and H's Chiefs didn't even make it to the playoffs. But we will be rooting for the G-Men on Sunday since I like Eli and we're both Yankees fans.. it's only appropriate to root for their football counterpart.  Anyone have big plans for Sunday? We are going to go to a party where all the girls bring...

Going Back to Essie

Going Back to Essie

First off, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all my wonderful followers! I finally hit 50 over the weekend, which means it's time for me to organize my giveaway. This weekend went by pretty quickly, yesterday we went on a pub crawl for a friend's birthday and I wore a top from VS with my Gap skinnies. I also wore a black cardigan over it, because I got chilly like 5 minutes into the evening since the AC was up so high. Brrrrr! I still need to work on smiling while taking these pics, I always...

Fill in the Blank Friday

Fill in the Blank Friday

Time for my Friday link up with fabulous new mama Lauren at The Little Things We Do 1.   My favorite place I've ever traveled to is  our honeymoon to Fiji was definitely a trip of a lifetime. We've also loved all the cruises we've been on.  2. Europe, South America, and Australia is  are somewhere I'd love to go someday. 3.  I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride or train) by   reading or watching tv/movies....

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Mid-week link up with Jamie from This Kind of Love for WILW. I'm loving all the new recipes I've been trying from Pinterest and fellow bloggers. H thanks everyone too! I'm loving that I'm 1 away from 50 followers! I sense a giveaway coming as soon as I reach it! :0) I'm loving that I'm almost done with the 2nd book in the Hunger Games Series and can't wait to go on to Mockingjay! I'm loving that I've been getting closer to H's sister lately with her upcoming wedding and just...

Weekend Randomness

Weekend Randomness

I haven't had the best past couple of days.. nothing major, but just annoyances and let downs. As I mentioned in my last post, we went to Home Depot and picked up the paint and supplies to paint the kitchen. We chose Behr's Berry Cobbler to go with the theme we already had going in the kitchen. Neither of us had ever really painted before, but how hard could it be?  Let's just say it was a complete and utter disaster :0( We woke up early and I made us omelets with mushrooms, tomatoes, and...

Excuse Moi

Excuse Moi

At my last pedicure appointment, I got OPI's Getting Miss Piggy with It as it was a beautiful sparkly red and perfect for the holidays. I was long overdue for a pedicure today, so while H was getting his haircut, I went to get pampered at the nail spa and got another Muppets by OPI color. Today, I went with Excuse Moi. Another ode to Miss Piggy. I know some people have a weird thing about feet so I'm warning you to look away now lest you get grossed out!  ........Alright you asked for it!... Here's...

Louboutins and Hair Loot Contest

Louboutins and Hair Loot Contest

I follow the fabulous Lauren Conrad on Twitter and she tweeted about a contest to win a free pair of Louboutins + $500 in Amika Hair Loot! Enter here. Oh what I wouldn't do for a free pair of Loubies!&nb...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Hump Day link up with Jamie at This Kind of Love I'm loving that I was surprised with another short week. I thought it was going to be a WHILE before another 3 day weekend, but I completely forgot I finally work for a company that gives us MLK Day off! Refreshing! I'm loving that H and I are planning a trip to Punta Cana in the spring. Hands down my favorite thing is traveling with the hubs :0) I'm loving our new coach lights on the garage! When I pull up the driveway now our house looks...

Yummy Goodness

Yummy Goodness

Last month at my work's Christmas party, everyone was doing shots, and I just couldn't stomach the thought of a tequila shot with everyone else and poured myself a shot from a bottle that was sitting around and it happened to be Smirnoff's new flavor "Whipped". It was delicious! So smooth, and it's not harsh at all. So, H picked up a bottle of it today for the house and we each had a glass of it tonight, and I mixed it with my Diet Cranberry juice.. YUM...

Happy MLK Day!

Happy MLK Day!

This is the first job I've had that actually gives their employee's MLK Day off and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It's very important though for us all to remember why we have the day off, and I'm very thankful that I was raised in a home where I never looked at others different due to the color of their skin. I'm so glad for how far our country has come the past few decades. H unfortunately, didn't have the day off. So there was some griping this morning when he had to get up about how unfair it was...