Snakeskin and Camel

Snakeskin and Camel

Are we really in the last 2 days of the year... ahem.. decade?! (You can find my 2019 recap here) It's time to throw on a slinky dress and ring in 2020! No huge plans for NYE this year other than getting together with some friends over bubbles (of course). And I can't wait to wear this this snakeskin dress which is very va-va-voom on it's own or you can throw a moto jacket over it like I did below. Dress {Over 50% off} | Faux Leather Jacket | Heels | Lipstick | Double...

And that's a wrap!

And that's a wrap!

Merry Christmas Eve-Eve! Today is my last day of work until the new year, and I'm very much looking forward to down time and relaxing with my little family and friends. I've felt like my whole life is a giant to-do list lately, and this time to slow down and focus on what truly matters is very needed. 2019 brought a lot of amazing things, and the best part was watching lil' miss grow into a sweet and caring little person. She truly has a big heart, and as much as I want her to stay little I love...