Halloween Pumpkins and Costumes

Halloween Pumpkins and Costumes

Happy Halloween! I can't wait to pass out candy tonight to the neighborhood kiddos and watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown which airs tonight at 8:00 on ABC ;-) Halloween always brings out the nostalgia in me.... growing up my brother and I always went trick or treating with my cousins and then went back to my grandparents afterwards for them to give us some Halloween goodies. This year just hurts because I lost not one not two but three of my loved ones that I have such...



Happy Hump Day! Can't believe tomorrow is Halloween... now if I could just stop eating the candy I got for the trick-or-treaters.... Some day.... ~ I will be able to walk out of Target without spending at least $50 ~ I will stop quoting Mean Girls and Forrest Gump (the most inappropriate quotes of course) ~ I will have all the witty comments/comebacks roll off my tongue at the right time instead of thinking of the perfect thing to say afterwards... yep ~ I will...

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes from scratch

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes from scratch

I made pumpkin spice cupcakes this past weekend for our pre-Thanksgiving feast with friends and everyone was raving about them. They're super moist and perfect for this time of year. // // This Pinterest Hover Button is brought to you by bloggersentral.com. // Visit http://www.bloggersentral.com/2012/11/pinterest-pin-it-button-on-image-hover.html for details. // Feel free to use and share, but please keep this notice intact. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Cake Cream 1 and 1/2 sticks...

Fall Weekend Shenanigans

Fall Weekend Shenanigans

I can't believe this was the last weekend in October and we're already moving into November. Craziness! I'm getting a little too excited for the upcoming holiday season :-D ~ Seadog Blueberry at happy hour on Friday ~ Wine tasting at Super Target... making my happy place even happier. We even donned bracelets so we could go from station to station without getting carded over and over. ~ Making pumpkin spice cupcakes *recipe coming tomorrow* ~ Finished product....delish! ~ Under the dryer...

Halloweeny Weekend

Halloweeny Weekend

It started to cool off and feel like fall the past few days here (although it's warming back up again next week.... which I'm not complaining about) so I'm going to take advantage of some cooler weather activities this weekend. Tonight, I'll be getting my Betty Crocker on and making pumpkin spice cupcakes for tomorrow's pre-Thanksgiving feast at our friends house. Our friend is doing a test run of his turkey frier so a bunch of us are bringing over side dishes and we'll have a feast before heading...

The Great Debate

The Great Debate

Every year around this time without a question, I go to get my flu shot. Always have, always will. Maybe it's because I grew up with a nurse for my mom....maybe it's because I'm a germaphobe.... or maybe it's because I've suffered through many horrible flu viruses through the years and ever since I started getting the shot I've been healthy aside from the occasional cold *knock on wood*. But it never ceases to amaze me how many people refuse to get one or don't actively pursue getting one. Some...

Michael Kors Leg Shine

Michael Kors Leg Shine

I had my eyes on the Michael Kors Leg Shine for a while and was planning on picking it up with gift cards around my birthday, but alas it was out of stock. And it stayed out of stock... for a while. But I finally got an email letting me know it was back in stock. I was just surprised at how tiny it was... It smells great and gives your legs the perfect subtle shine and I was shocked that it was only $10. It was the perfect little package along with some Bumble &...

Easy Pumpkin Muffins

Easy Pumpkin Muffins

I think this is hands down the easiest recipe I've ever tried (even easier than Tastefully Simple!) As I was browsing Pinterest for something to make for our neighbor's FSU-Clemson football party, I came across the easiest pumpkin muffin recipe ever. One 15 oz. can of pumpkin One box of yellow cake mix Combine ingredients and scoop into cupcake liners in a muffin/cupcake pan and bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees.  That's it! No other ingredients, no oil and no eggs which...

Beachy Shenanigans

Beachy Shenanigans

Another beautiful fall weekend bites the dust... ~ Much needed pedicure and wine time ~ Painted my nails for Breast Cancer Awareness Month using OPI's "I Think in Pink" and "You Glitter Be Good to Me" ~ Happy hour with H, I switched out the sour mix in my watermelon margarita for club soda to save some calories. Not a good choice, my drink was "meh". Not recommended, next time I'll just accept the calories with the yumminess. ~ H with K at the resort in Cocoa Beach ~ Emily and...

Caramel Apple Cider

Caramel Apple Cider

Pinterest has done it again.... this time it made our fall weekend more yummy! I made a jug of this yummy concoction for us and our friends for the corn maze and pumpkin patch. Apple Cider for Grownups  All I did was combined apple cider, caramel vodka, and sprinkled in a little cinnamon (you can also make this hot by heating on the stove top or in a crock pot). Perfect for any fall activity... pumpkin picking, the corn maze, tailgating, nights by the fire pit, etc......

Current Loves

Current Loves

I love this time of year, it's beautiful outside (not too hot, not too cold) and the holidays are right around the corner. So much to love love love! ~ I'm loving The Voice... I never watched until this season and am hooked! Such a breath of fresh air from all the other played out singing competition shows. My fav is when Blake gets all fired up and starts yelling "NOOOOO!" Chair sabotage! ~ I'm loving Essie's 2013 fall collection ~ I'm loving part 2 of JT's 20/20 Experience.... True...