What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day! We're halfway there! Linkin' up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday. ~ I'm loving that H got Magic tickets from his work for tonight and we're going VIP style... holla! lol What I'm not going to love is myself in the morning since I have to be up at the crack of dawn to drive 2 hours to a work conference. Yipes! Couldn't pass up those free tickets though! Priorities people! ~ I'm loving that my girl Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for Best Actress Love...

Aruba Bronzer Sun Disk

Aruba Bronzer Sun Disk

I ventured into Sephora over the weekend for the first time in a few months (I've been soooo good!) to re-stock my foundation and bronzer. I was excited to see the Naked Flushed palette for the first time in person but was very underwhelmed by it which makes me sad. Because I love the Naked eyeshadow palettes (I have the original, 2, and Basics and love them all!) and the Naked Nails set so I had huge expectations for their blush, bronzer, and highlighter palette. But the colors aren't...

Weekend Shopping Shennanigans

Weekend Shopping Shennanigans

Sunday nights are the absolute worst! Can I get an a-men?! As I sit here recapping my weekend I'm in awe again of how quickly they always seem to fly by. But I love reflecting back on the times that make me who I am. Friday H and I were boring and stayed in and had happy hour at home again which is becoming our favorite Friday evening tradition. Our patio, our food, our booze mixed just right, firepit, H, and our doggy is perfection to me. Saturday my original plan was to go to the beach, but we...

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

Happy Sunday! Linkin up with Ashley and Neely for Sunday Social. 1. What was your biggest middle school fashion mistake? ~ Ohhhh dear is all I have to say. What wasn't a fashion mistake back then? I wore a lot of my dad's flannel shirts, jncos, airwalk shoes, and ball chains.. and the worst of all was the Bo-Sux tee I used to wear to spite my dad (I thought I was soooo rebellious back then so I went above my pinstripes blood type and thought I could get a reaction out of...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day! Linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday :0) ~ I'm loving that we went to see the manatees last weekend. They were adorable! ~ I'm loving that it's warming back up and it'll be warm enough for the beach this weekend :-D ~ I'm loving how many of my friends and family are buying houses, getting married, and having babies. It's just hurting my wallet... presents galore! Housewarming gifts, bridal and baby shower gifts, and wedding gifts oh my! ~...

Cheesy Fondue

Cheesy Fondue

As I mentioned before, H and I aren't big on Valentines Day so we usually don't celebrate it and if we decide to we usually stay in and I make fondue and bake something yummy. This year, H got excited about me making fondue and I totally dropped the ball and forgot to pick up everything for it at the grocery store so I promised him we'd celebrate and I'd make it later on over the weekend. Since I had yesterday off (the heavens open up and you can hear the Hallelujah chorus) I went to the store...

Showing Love for the 3 Day Weekend

Showing Love for the 3 Day Weekend

Why can't we have more 3 day weekends in our lives? They're so refreshing :)Friday night we went with friends to the food trucks down by the lake and movie under the stars. The food was amazing and it was neat to finally go to an outdoor movie. Afterwards, we went back to our friend's house and had some more beers and played pool. ~ That sign always makes me think of Robin Scherbatsky *Robin Sparkles* ~ The boys schooled us in pool :( Saturday, I made a big breakfast which...

Cheers to the Weekend

Cheers to the Weekend

Happy Friday! This week felt like it was dragging and then it decided to finally pick up some momentum thankfully :) Soooo ready for this glorious 3 day weekend! Mine will look like: Food truck night at the park Movie under the stars after yummy goodness from the food trucks Going to see the manatees! It'll be chillier this weekend, so they will be seeking the warmth of the springs I'm not big on Valentines Day so H and we usually stay in and I make fondue, but this year I...