What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Halloween-Hump Day! Linkin up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday. ~ I'm loving that it's Halloween! Super excited to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters :) ~ I'm loving that It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown will be on tonight ~ I'm loving that our tufted headboard finally arrived. Pictures coming soon! ~ I'm loving that Adam Levine is following me on twitter! I know I sound so high school... but can't stop talking about it!  ~...

Recent Purchases

Recent Purchases

H and I have been much better about our spending habits lately and I love how much more we've been able to accomplish around the house. We finally have our dining set, a home office, and our tufted headboard is en route to our house to help snazz up the master bedroom. I've also made a few other impromptu purchases... These dinner plates were on clearance for $1.48 each at Target.. oh Target how I love thee.. Speaking of Target... I FINALLY signed up for their debit card. Why on earth...

Halloween Weekend Recap

Halloween Weekend Recap

I may not be a child anymore (for the most part) but I still love getting dressed up and celebrating Halloween :) Friends of ours threw a party over the weekend which was a lot of fun. Always a good time... If you follow me on Instagram you may have already seen some of the goings-on from the evening. H and I were cave people. I felt so Pebbles Flintstone :) ... and can we talk about this deliciousness I picked up at Target yesterday for this morning's breakfast? I...

Sunday Social ~ Halloween

Sunday Social ~ Halloween

Hope everyone is enjoying their wonderful weekend, can't believe it's almost November! Linking up with Ashley and Neely for Sunday Social. 1. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? ~ My mom made my costume one year when I was really little and I was a flower. My body was the stem and around my head were all the petals, and she even fastened a bee to one of the pedals. I know there's a pic of it somewhere at her house, sadly I don't have it.  2....

Halloween Weekend Friday

Halloween Weekend Friday

Happy Friday! And it's not just any Friday! It's the Friday before Halloween :) The next several days will be filled with Halloween parties, pumpkin carving, and trick-or-treaters at the doorstep. And let's not forget that "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" will be on Halloween night on ABC :-D Don't you wish you could go to the Halloween Feast at Hogwarts? Oh wait.. that's only me? *blushes* H and I haven't dressed up for Halloween since 2009 *gasp* so we're excited to get back...

It's OK Thursday

It's OK Thursday

We're almost there! It's Friday-Eve... linkin' up with Amber and Neely for It's OK Thursday. Speaking of Amber.. head on over to her blog for her Blue Bird Bride giveaway for $20 gift certificate to Blue Bird Bride's Etsy shop. I'm of course loving the bubble necklaces... so pretty! It's OK that.... ~ I'm upset that "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" hasn't been on yet. It's not officially Halloween until that airs on tv! (it's airing on ABC on Halloween night...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day! We're halfway to the weekend! Linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday. ~ I'm loving our Halloween costumes for the festivities this weekend. Can't wait to unveil them  :) ~ I'm loving that our new tufted headboard should be delivered any day now. Finally getting the ball rolling on our master suite!!  ~ I'm loving that it's almost time to dive head first into Christmas decorating, shopping, and baking! ~ I'm loving my recent...