Cheers to the long weekend

Cheers to the long weekend

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! 1. I caught these MK wedges on sale, and went back and forth on whether or not to pull the trigger. I did the classic add to them to my cart, proceed to check out, and then found myself x'ing out. The next morning I woke up still thinking about them, and decided to go for it to have them in time for my upcoming cruise. They're still on sale, and you can pick them up for an extra 15% off the sale price with offer code MEMDAY. Michael Kors Damita Wedges in...

Rookie of the Year

Rookie of the Year

Today is not only my wonderful hubby's birthday, but we have another reason to celebrate as we've finally gone "FB official" and now it's time to go "blog official" that we will have a new rookie of the year up to bat in October. I had my ultrasound the other day to find out the gender of the baby, but the results are sealed away in an envelope until our gender reveal party. You'll have to let me know if you're team pink or team blue! I've been successfully (or maybe not-so-successfully) hiding...

Summer Sandal Ready

Summer Sandal Ready

I usually treat myself to a monthly pedicure to keep my feet fresh and polished up with fun colors, and of course also for the pampering aspect. But since I live in Florida and it's sandal season the majority of the year, my feet tend to need some extra special attention in-between pedicure appointments. The Emjoi Micro Pedi helps maintain healthy, sandal-ready feet that are callus free with smooth heels. Well maintained feet are more comfortable when it comes to walking and when playing...

Relaxing Weekending

Relaxing Weekending

Happy Monday! I don't say that too often, but I know we're going into a long holiday weekend and I'm also counting down the days until my cruise to Bermuda. So, let the week commence! This weekend was spent mostly relaxing as I nursed the end of the upper respiratory infection that accompanied the pink eye infection that sprung up oh so conveniently in Tallahassee last week. But I wasn't going to miss celebrating the beautiful birthday girl! Dinner and drinks before an 80's themed rollerskate...

All Things Happy this Friday

All Things Happy this Friday

Happy Friday! The illness that took me down last week in Tallahassee lingered on this whole week, and thankfully is mostly gone but I've been left with the dreaded cough. You know the one that likes to pop up in quiet situations or out in the middle of a store while shopping, and the best is when it wakes you up at night. Yeah, that one... hopefully it bids farewell this weekend. 1. Can we talk about my new love which happens to be these delish champagne gummy bears? I picked up a box which...

Sparkles and Sunsets

Sparkles and Sunsets

I'm always drawn to clothes that have bold colors or a touch of sparkle. Not only did I love the colors and the sparkle of this tee, but I also loved the flowiness and the open back detail. Perfect for the impending heat of summer.    Top - Express | Shorts - Express | Bag - Kate Spade | Wedges - Tommy Hilfiger | Sunnies - Kate Spade | Bangles - Alex and Ani | Necklace - Perry Street for Rocksbox | Watch - Kate Spade ...