Kate Spade 25% off sale

Kate Spade 25% off sale

Hooray for Summer! And for Kate Spade! Yet another Kate Spade sale! I hope no one ever pays retail price for Kate Spade items considering there's a new sale every couple weeks. Love it! I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July weekend!...

Bring Back to MAC

Bring Back to MAC

As you all know, I love to recycle so it makes me extra happy that when I'm done with my MAC makeup containers I can not only bring them back for them to recycle, but I get free stuff too! As I've mentioned before, when you bring back 6 empty MAC makeup containers (can be any of their containers.. foundation, blush, eyeshadow, bronzer, powder, etc..) you get either a free lipstick or a free eyeshadow. (Free eyeshadow is only available in the MAC stores. If you go to a MAC kiosk in Macys or any...

Champagne and Peacocks

Champagne and Peacocks

Yesterday was H and I's first wedding anniversary and neither of us can believe how quickly the past year went by and everything we've done. We reminisced about our honeymoon to Vegas and Fiji, our move to FL, and building our house. It's been an amazing year and we look forward to what is yet to come. 1 year and 1 day ago 1 year ago having dinner on the beach in Fiji Can't believe we're closing in 3 days! Whoo hoo!  We went to dinner on the lake at a beautiful restaurant that doesn't...

Follow ups and the most adorable ice cream ever!

Follow ups and the most adorable ice cream ever!

I can't believe I told the whole story of how I got a new Kate Spade bag for free and in case you missed it you can find it here and never came back with a picture of it when it came in. One of the many things I love about Kate Spade is how fast their shipping is. It was ordered on Friday night and it got to me on Tuesday afternoon. It's such a pretty bag, but I honestly haven't started using it yet. I've kept it looking pretty in the packaging it came in and will transport it to our...

Mondays aren't so bad...

Mondays aren't so bad...

... when you receive your long awaited Sephora purchase in the mail! Why is it that you always seem to run out of a bunch of your fashion and beauty supplies at once? Seriously! I never just run out of blush.. I run out of erase paste, blush, bronzer, and highlighting powder all at once...  and of course right before we close on our house next week! So, I placed an order last Monday for everything but the highlighting powder and it arrived today at work. Yippee! I love Erase Paste! Thanks...

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there! I wasn't able to be with my family today, but I was able to talk to them for a bit and I know I'll be seeing them in less than 2 weeks.  One of my favorite pictures of my family. The 4 great men in my life..my dad, my grandpa, my brother, me, and my H at a Yankees game on Labor Day in 2009.  My favorite pics of me and my dad are from my wedding last June We were laughing about something that I don't recall.....

I have Goosebumps

I have Goosebumps

Yes I am a HUGE Harry Potter dork! They just released the 2nd and final trailer for the final movie. One word describes it and it's AMAZING...

Since when does red wine = a new Kate Spade bag?

Since when does red wine = a new Kate Spade bag?

So, back in April I did a blog post for my Wardrobe Wants and one of them was the Kate Spade Sugar Hill Medium Seraphine bag. But then I found out about a 40% off outlet sale, and picked up my new Kate Spade bag there instead. Found here. Well we were getting ready to go out last night with a bunch of people from my work, and as we were on our way out the door, I turned to H and said, "Should I bring my big bag, or just use a wristlet?" He of course didn't know the answer and...

Can't believe our wedding anniversary is this month! Remembering with wedding ABC's

Can't believe our wedding anniversary is this month! Remembering with wedding ABC's

I saw the "Wedding ABC's" over on Joyful Rambling's Blog and thought it was super cute and a fun way to remember my wedding day which I can't believe was almost a year ago already! This time last year I thought our wedding day would never get here, now almost a year has passed. Craziness! Attendance ~We invited over 150 and ended up having about 110 guests. It was so amazing to look around and see all of our loved ones in one room. Bridesmaids Champagne with strawberries before getting...