Chile Rellenos Casserole

Chile Rellenos Casserole

One of my favorite ingredients to add to a home cooked meal is diced chiles as I love the extra flavor they add to savory dishes. I found this recipe on Pinterest *of course* and knew it was something I couldn't wait to recreate. // // This Pinterest Hover Button is brought to you by // Visit for details. // Feel free to use and share, but please keep this notice intact. Ingredients 1...

Last Weekending of June

Last Weekending of June

I can't believe this was the last weekend in June! How is time flying by so fast? Since this is my favorite time of year, I'd love for it to slow down just a bit please and thank you. Everyone's all excited about summer right now, but I give it just a few weeks before everyone starts talking about fall. Please no! Enjoy what you have while you have it. Friday, Coca Cola was outside my job where you could get 2 personalized soda cans. Since I can never find my name spelled out correctly, it was...

Friday Favs

Friday Favs

Happy Friday! Another great week is behind us, and I'm excited for all the fun ahead this weekend including celebrating the fabulous Pamela's birthday! Favorite Surprise - Bath and Body Works re-grammed my photo from my semi-annual sale haul, and it totally made my day! So many sweet words from fellow shoppers, plus it sent a ton of traffic my way. Win-win! Don't forget to share your semi-annual sale hauls on Instagram with the hashtag #weLOVEsale and follow me along this weekend @GreenFashionista. Favorite...

Introstem Luxury Skincare

Introstem Luxury Skincare

Happy Friday Eve! It's officially summertime which happens to be my favorite time of year (sorry if I'm starting to sound like a broken record), but all that extra fun in the sun means we need to take better care of our skin. I was excited when a representative from Introstem reached out to me to try out some of their products. Introstem is advanced skin technology and a new luxury skincare line infused with plant-based stem cells.  Stem Cell Vibrant Day Moisturizer -...



I was tagged by the beautiful Amanda to join in the fun of listing 10 things I love and 10 things I hate, and at the end tag 10 more bloggers to play along. And since I love making lists, leeeeets go! Loves 1. The summertime - I love everything about it. The warmth, swimming, beach and boat days, sundresses, grilling and eating outdoors, going out for ice cream, longer days, my list could go on and on... 2. My boys in pinstripes aka The New York Yankees. Don't hate! It's "in my blood"...

Palms for Summer

Palms for Summer

I had my heart set on this romper after seeing Shanna rock it so fabulously, but was disappointed to see how easily the fabric wrinkles in person while I was at the store. Shanna's looked flawless, but I know mine would be a wrinkled mess so I moved on once I saw these shorts in the same print. Top (old) and Shorts - ON | Heels - Target | Necklace and Bangles - Kate Spade And can we talk about these shoes? One of the girls at work...

Relaxing Weekending

Relaxing Weekending

This past weekend was recharging for me as I mostly relaxed, and spent a lot of time floating around the pool white trying to finish up The Girl on the Train. Friday, I tried out the new mobile ordering on the Starbucks app and it was the best thing that ever happened to my weekday morning. There is a Starbucks in the parking lot at my job (yes - it's dangerous!), and a lot of us walk over there on a regular basis to pick up our morning pick-me-ups. But there's always a long line, so I was super...