Happy Long Weekend

Happy Long Weekend

Well hello there 3 day weekend! Two of my favorite things together... the summertime and a long weekend.  My weekend will consist of: and getting my Betty Crocker on.. I love these festive cake mixes that come out for the summer holidays. We'll also be getting together with our wonderful neighbors so I'll probably also be making my famous buffalo dip as well. Have a safe fun-filled weekend and don't forget to practice safe sun if you're going to be spending it at the beach or poolside...

It's Ok Thursday

It's Ok Thursday

Happy Friday Eve! Linkin' up with Amber and Neely for It's OK Thursday :) It's OK that... ~ I got caught out in a rainstorm the other day... wearing white of course.  ~ I worked out after work just because of the extra big slice of cake I had... totally worth it...mmmm buttercream! ~ I've also had a big bowl of ice cream every night after dinner this week. ~ I watched Inception for the 2nd time and still don't fully understand everything going on :-P ~ I still wish I...

Sephora Birthday Goodies

Sephora Birthday Goodies

Oh how I love Sephora.. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I'm in there. This time, I placed an order online since the store near my house was out of the birthday gift (for the 2nd year in a row! Seriously?!?!) when I was in there last week picking up a gift for a friend and because I wanted to cash in on the 5 free samples and the VIB gift. Priorities people! :) All my loot I stocked up on some basics  Anti Shine Primer  Bronzer Matifying Foundation This year's birthday gift from...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

We're halfway there ladies and then we have a long weekend, we can do this! Linkin' up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday. You can also catch me over on Nikki's blog today guest posting while she's living the good life in Vegas this week. *Jealous* ~ I'm loving that we have a long weekend coming up *much needed* but aren't they always? :-P ~ I'm loving that we have another birthday beach bash coming up this weekend. Can't wait to do this again :) ~ I'm loving...

Smelling Pretty

Smelling Pretty

I have recently found myself in a predicament... it seems that every...single.. one of my perfume bottles is near empty. How did this happen?!  They're all pretty low :( My current faves are: ~ Viva La Juicy ~ Lola by Marc Jacobs ~ Daisy by Marc Jacobs ~ Jessica Simpson Fancy ~ Jessica Simpson Fancy Love ~ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue ~ Britney Spears Hidden Fantasy ~ Victorias Secret Heavenly Now my question is.. should I stick to my oldies but goodies are should I try out something new?...

Birthday Treats

Birthday Treats

I'm finally getting around to posting all my goodies I received for my birthday last week :) As you all know I had been trying to decide between a weekend in Miami or a new Michael Kors watch. Well, I chose the watch! As much as I would have loved a weekend in Miami eating delicious food, sipping drinks by a fabulous pool, and showing off my embarrassing sweet dance moves at a swanky club it was for the best as I had a rough b-day weekend and wouldn't have been in a celebrating mood....

Sunday Social ~ All About the Interwebs

Sunday Social ~ All About the Interwebs

Happy Sunday ladies! One more full week until Labor Day Weekend :) Linkin' up with Ashley and Neely for Sunday Social.. 1. What is the first website you log into every day? ~ I usually scroll through FB and Twitter on my phone on my way to work. On the computer, I usually check my email, bank account, and the style and beauty board which is where all the F&B nesties went after the mass exodus from TN. 2. Give us some funny websites that you visit that we need to know...

Belated Birthday Weekend Post

Belated Birthday Weekend Post

Wow.. my birthday was already 6 days ago, but I've been super busy. Since then,  I celebrated my birthday (as much as I could considering the circumstances), traveled to Connecticut for the services, and got home and back to work.  On my birthday, both H and I took the day off which is what I needed after receiving really hard news the night before. I wasn't really in the mood to get motivated to do anything, but we packed up the car and headed to the beach. We were there for all...