Open Container

Open Container

Shopping + wine? Yes please! I was excited to stop by the Open Container Wine Bar located right inside the Orlando Premium Outlets for an out-of-the-box wine experience. The bar itself is a shipping container in the middle of the shopping action featuring wines sourced from Armenia free of any chemical B.S. which I am always here for. After finishing up some last minute Christmas shopping, we were treated to their tasting menu including some dessert wines that pair perfectly with...

Birthday Cruise

Birthday Cruise

I can't believe I've been back from our cruise celebrating a friend's 40th birthday for a month, and I'm only just now pulling myself together to recap all the fun! Better late than never! One Shoulder Bathing Suit Top | Mesh Skirt {only $23} We set sail on Virgin Voyage's Scarlet Lady which is an adult's only cruiseline, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I kept waiting for kids to run by or cannon ball into the hot tub, and when it didn't happen it was odd but I got used...

Set Sail with Me

Set Sail with Me

Well... not yet, but soon! This was the year of milestone birthdays in our framily, and we are setting sail this month to celebrate one of our favs on a cruise. I feel like we just booked it, but it's been months of planning and I can't believe it's almost here.  !function(w,i,d,g,e,t){d.getElementById(i)||(element=d.createElement(t),,element.src=""+e,d.body.appendChild(element)),w.hasOwnProperty(g)===!0&&"complete"===d.readyState&&w[g].init()}(window,"boutique-script",document,"__boutique","/js/boutique.js","script")JavaScript...

Lots of Catching Up

Lots of Catching Up

When I hit publish on my Thailand recap, I noticed that it was my 1st post in a month and a half which is crazy! I used to blog multiple times a week, and now the weeks just go by sometimes in between posts. I'm constantly collecting content, but it's just building up. I haven't even been feeding my social channels as much, and need to play catch up there too.So where was I? Ahhh yes - catching up on all the things since returning from Bangkok, Thailand (recap found here) in late September. I was...