Fall To-Do List

Fall To-Do List

Now that I've officially embraced fall, it's time to start enjoying all my favorite fall activities. A lot of people think Florida has endless summer, but we definitely get seasons we just don't get the crappy one (old man winter). We have fall like temps when up north is experiencing winter, and our spring is the same as anywhere else with new flowers blooming and the trees that lost their leaves coming back. 1. Decorate the house for fall and not just for Halloween so the decor will...

Recipe Swap ~ Orange Chicken

Recipe Swap ~ Orange Chicken

I don't know about you, but sometimes when I'm craving take-out it's not always pizza (mmmm pizza). I love the orange chicken from my local Chinese take-out place, and bonus points for free delivery. However, I never thought to make it on my own until I stumbled upon this recipe on Pinterest. Ingredients Skinless boneless organic chicken breasts 3/4 cup of Smucker's Sweet Orange Marmalade 3/4 cup of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce 2 tbsp. of reduced sodium soy sauce Stove-top Directions Cook...

Bachelorette at the Lazy River

Bachelorette at the Lazy River

Another amazing weekend come and gone, and I will be needing all of the coffee this morning! This weekend was full of bachelorette celebrations for the beautiful bride to be at the lazy river. We stayed at the always gorgeous JW Marriott for lazy river fun during the day, and then it was time to uber over to where we went out for dinner, live music, and dancing. *Amazing view from the room* *View from the room while getting ready for dinner* Joining Biana and Meghan for...

Lazy River Weekend Favs

Lazy River Weekend Favs

Happy Friday! Looking forward to the weekend's festivities... Favorite Boost ~ I felt like I was coming down with a cold a few weekends ago, and then it hit me again this week. So, I stocked up on airborne and nipped it in the bud so I could be healthy and ready for my friend's bachelorette weekend. Favorite Workout ~ Bar Method takes the award for best butt-kicking of the week. I was excited to see more free community classes on the schedule this week, so I was up early and got in a great...