Dressing for a new job

Dressing for a new job

Now that I've started my new job, I've had to get used to a more lax dress code. I was used to a business casual/business professional environment and now I'm working somewhere where attire ranges from business casual to shorts and t-shirts.. I kid you not! It's great to see people more relaxed as a whole at my new company. I've definitely toned down my work wardrobe a bit, but not all the way. Some days are more casual than they were at my last job, but other days I still wear outfits I would...

Marc Jacobs Sunglasses

Marc Jacobs Sunglasses

I posted my favorites from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale last week, and as much as I loved the Marc Jacobs watch I posted, I got a new Michael Kors watch for my birthday last year so I wanted to go with something different. I decided to order the Marc by Marc Jacobs sunglasses. They arrived on Friday (super fast shipping!) and I absolutely love them. Marc by Marc Jacobs 59mm Aviator Sunglasses Have you taken advantage of the anniversary sale yet this year? If not, you better...

Weekend Shopping Shenanigans

Weekend Shopping Shenanigans

August is going to be a crazy busy month so I've been enjoying lower key weekends and lots of shopping :) Next weekend will bring on some downtown fun and lazy river shenanigans, can't wait! ~ New doggy treat jar for Roxy ~ Orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast Saturday morning ~ Breakfast on the patio.. a weekend favorite ~ Someone is waiting for a bite ~ She finally got a piece, but was teased first by H of course ~ Tried on the Merona Shirt Dress which was on sale at...

Take me out to the ballgame

Take me out to the ballgame

One of my favorite things about the summer is going to baseball games. Minor league.. major league it doesn't matter, I just love going to the games. I love the warm summer air, the beer and hot dogs, and the crack of the bat as it hits the ball.... We went to a minor league game the other night which means free parking, cheap admission, cheap beer, cheap food, and close seats.. what's not to love? ~ 16 and 32 oz. beers for much less than a regular beer at a major league game ~ Enjoying...

Beauty products that last

Beauty products that last

Do you ever get frustrated when you spend a lot of money on beauty products and they don't last very long? Here are some of my favs that do last.... Urban Decay Primer Potion I picked up this tube over a year and a half ago! And I use it every.single.day! A little goes a long way and it is hands down my favorite product ever! I'm only just now about to run out and I lucked out by cashing in my 500 point reward the other day and got a free refill :-D Benefit's Erase Paste It...

Sephora Goodies

Sephora Goodies

I'm not one to make resolutions, but this year I promised myself that I wouldn't shop at Sephora so much. My spending there got a little out of hand the past couple of years so I decided to scale back and use the money towards stuff around the house and our favorite passion which is travel. So far I've done great, I'm unfortunately no where near renewing my VIB status for next year, and I have to keep telling myself that's ok. I've only been ordering or picking up items that I need to restock instead...

Summer Weekend Shenanigans

Summer Weekend Shenanigans

I started my new job last week so it was nice to have a relaxing weekend. We ate a lot of fried food, went to the beach, shopped, and relaxed by the pool on Sunday and did some work around the house. ~ Happy Hour fried goodness ~ Margaritas.. my fav! ~ 1st bag of Sephora goodies in a while ~ Ready for the beach in my new $5 cover up top from JC Penney ~ Relaxing on the beach ~ Doggy birthday gifts ~ Birthday girl with her new collar... she's blingin! ~ Ready for happy hour...

Nordstrom Anniversary Goodies

Nordstrom Anniversary Goodies

Other than the VS semi annual sale, there aren't many big sales that I really look forward to except for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. If you haven't checked out the sale yet, I highly suggest hopping over to their site before all the good stuff is gone ;) I've been sooooo good about not shopping too much lately, but I think I'm overdue to splurge just a little and if I do it'll be on one of these items from the sale: Marc by Marc Jacobs 59mm aviator sunglasses Tory...

Cake Batter Blondies

Cake Batter Blondies

I made cake batter blondies last weekend and they were AMAZING! Several of you asked me about the recipe and I promised I'd post it ;) ~ 1 box of yellow or funfetti cake mix ~ 1/4 cup of vegetable oil ~ 1 egg ~ 1/3-1/2 cup of milk ~ 1/4 cup of rainbow sprinkles (if you used yellow cake mix) ~ 1/2 cup of white chocolate chips ~ Sprinkles for the top ~ Frosting Preheat oven to 350 degrees Combine cake mix, oil, and egg in a large bowl. Add milk slowly to batter so it stays as dense...

Making our staircase grand

Making our staircase grand

Since our house was new construction, pretty much everything is white, tan, and cream until we decide to paint ourselves. So far, the only room we've painted is the kitchen and that was such a disaster that we ended up having to hire someone to come over and fix it. Needless to say we have been afraid to get back on the proverbial horse. I have so many plans for different rooms, but the stairwell is too tall/high for us to ever consider painting so I knew if we were going to take it out of bland...

Weekend Shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

Yet another fabulous summer weekend bites the dust... Friday we had a quiet night in. I baked some cake batter blondies and we had a movie night :) Saturday was much busier. I made us some omelettes and turkey sausage for breakfast, worked out, and got ready for some of our neighbors to come over for the afternoon. We enjoyed wings, buffalo dip, and corn on the cob while the boys enjoyed some beers and us girls sipped on wine spritzers and lounged around the pool. Perfect afternoon! ~ Yummy...

What I did on my week off

What I did on my week off

I have some very exciting news to share... I finally got a new job!!!! I'm so excited yet so nervous. Some of you know of my struggles and were super supportive of me trying to move on. Thank you so much!! :) I was fortunate enough to have enough vacation time built up at my old job that I was able to take a week off inbetween jobs which is truly refreshing. I usually jump right into my new job which is exhausting and makes it harder to change gears. What wasn't surprising to me at all was how...