It's a Doggy Birthday

It's a Doggy Birthday

The other day was Roxy's 4th birthday, and since we missed it last year since we were house sitting I was determined to make sure we celebrated it with her this year. So, I went to this doggy bakery actually called a "barkery" (TOO cute!) and picked up some doggy friendly cookies for her that are made with shortbread and no sugar. Birthday cake cookie This one was my favorite The birthday girl enjoying her first cookie The doggy bakery said next time to call in advance and they could have...

Weekend Shopping Overload

Weekend Shopping Overload

I've been so good these past several months ever since we were under contract for the house with my spending, and this weekend was the first time I felt like I overshopped in a while. But I do have a good excuse.. or two.. both of which I gave to H for my online and in store shopping sprees. The first being how good I've been since February and the second being that I need new clothes and stuff for our cruise that's coming up in a few weeks. First, I made an online order to Sephora for some new...

Chicken Sausage.. who knew?

Chicken Sausage.. who knew?

Those Hillshire Farm commercials for chicken sausage caused me to build up a craving to cook with it. You know this one: So, tonight for dinner I decided to try a new dish using chicken sausage instead of italian sausage which has a lot less fat. . Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8-10 minutes or until al dente; drain and reserve. In a large pan or skillet heat olive oil and chicken sausage. Cook through until the meat is no longer pink.  Add diced onion and...

Dry Shampoo Review

Dry Shampoo Review

I have very fine hair and have to wash it every day or it gets even more limp and oily. I usually shower and wash my hair after work after my workout, but yesterday was the day I had been waiting for.. for several years. It was the release of the final Harry Potter movie. It was raining when I got home which means it was humid outside and I was feeling extra oily and icky, but had no time to wash my hair before going to the movies with H. After trying out the dry shampoo from Tresemme a few...

Target's Daily Deals

Target's Daily Deals

If you don't know already, I have a serious love for Target! So when I see something I like in their daily deals I get excited. Today, their online deal is the Mossimo Women's Sateen Dress for only $10 which is usually $27.99, plus it includes free shipping so you're not paying $10 + shipping costs. The dress comes in 4 different color choices: Purple, Beige, Black, or Military Green. I originally wanted to order the dress in purple to pair it with nude heels, but alas they were sold out of the...

Urban Decay 15th Anniversary

Urban Decay 15th Anniversary

If you loved Urban Decay's Naked Palette but were looking for a little more pop of color, then you'll love their 15th anniversary eyeshadow collection that was just released (and to no surprise already sold out). But have no fear, they do have a email notification that you can sign up for when they become available again. You can find it on the Urban Decay website. I love Urban Decay eyeshadows because the pigment in them is a lot better than other eyeshadows I've worn including MAC. Plus, combined...

Good Reads

Good Reads

I realized I never did a review of Lauren Conrad's book "Style".  I picked it up at Target (my happy place) and loved it so much that I picked up another copy the following week to send to one of my best friends for her birthday. (we both share a love for all things LC) The book is great for showing how to style your clothes, how to best pack and dress for a plane trip, and what closet staples you should have. She has great hair and makeup advice as well. Out of all the celebrities out there,...

Loooooong Weekend

Loooooong Weekend

Actually the weekend went by too quick as usual, but it was jam packed with lots of great things. We closed on our house! But.... we didn't even have a chance to really enjoy it because after closing, we had to drive up to South Carolina for the night for my brother's marine graduation the next morning. My brother's platoon marching out Me and my little brother the marine! It's amazing how much he's changed, but how much he's still my little brother. So proud of him! One of my friends...