Road to my Louboutins

Road to my Louboutins

I don't know why but I'm currently obsessed with Christian Louboutin's shoe collection. Well, I know why.. the shoes are absolutely fabulous but unfortunately they come with a hefty price tag. Every reality show that I secretly watch, the girls are always wearing the red soled shoes. I don't want them because all the stars have them, I want them because every time I see them I just love them more and more. Pathetic I know.. and I know that Kim Kardashian, Lauren Conrad, and Bethenny Frankel have...

Sunburnt in Omaha

Sunburnt in Omaha

I've been such a bad blogger, but I've been so busy! I've been away all week in Omaha for work. I have to admit I was pretty depressed when the plane landed here on Monday, but it's been going by pretty quickly and I've gotten to know some great co-workers. Definitely not a place I'd ever consider living, but it was nice to experience something new for the week. I also miss my husband and my fat doggy so much it hurts! I can't wait for him to pick me up at the airport on Friday! We spent as much...

Another Great Weekend

Another Great Weekend

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the weekends go by. I feel they're super important because we should work to live not live to work and it's so refreshing to sleep in, have time for yourself, and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones. I started off our weekend by going to happy hour and enjoying some yummy martinis. I tried an Italian Apple Martini which was delicious. One of my friends asked what makes it "Italian" and I had to explain it had Amaretto in it which is my favorite! Saturday...

Just say NO to fanny packs

Just say NO to fanny packs

If you're around my age you probably remember all the moms sporting fanny packs when we were in elementary school. It was nice and easy for them, they could swap out their purse that would have to be carried or swung over their shoulder for something that was effortless while out and about with their children. Sensible and practical? --Yes Fashionable? -- NO Well, come to find out after more than 2 decades of it being widely known that most people sporting a fanny pack are laughed at behind their...

Weekends Should be Longer

Weekends Should be Longer

Why do the weekends always go by so quick?! I feel like it was literally just Friday afternoon and I was so thankful that my horrendous workweek was over and it was the weekend and alas here we are on Sunday night and I'm getting ready for my OC ladies to return at 10:00 on Bravo. The weekend was good, it felt so great to sleep in and have some "me time". Yesterday morning I left for my spin class and when I got to the gym and asked for a pass for the class the guy at the desk said he had given...

What a week!

What a week!

Man I am just utterly fried this week. I don't know what happened, but work has been high speed and high stress this week. Each day I think it'll be better than the day before, but I just keep getting more and more behind with more and more "rushes" getting dumped on me where I have to stop what I'm doing and change gears. I'm soooo glad tomorrow's Friday. I've also been feeling cruddy this week with some bad headaches and feeling some lingering symptoms from my labyrinthititus that have...