Stress, Pampering & Local Coffee

Stress, Pampering & Local Coffee

It's no secret that it's been incredibly stressful around here for the past several months. Health scares for both of my parents (they were both in the hospital while I was traveling for work in May), getting laid off from the job that I loved for 6 and 1/2 years, Lil' Miss getting rushed to the emergency room on the last day I was working, and her long awaited ear surgery which was last week. Now that we are on the other side of her surgery, I've been mentally preparing for my dad's upcoming open...

Hello September

Hello September

I'm always sad when we reach the dusk of summertime, but I know it'll continue to be warm around here for a while. I just enjoy the longer daylight hours, carefree days, etc... Now our days are filled with rushing around, homework, after school sports, and the time just flying on by. Plus, I knew for months that this day would come, but today is the day Lil' Miss is having surgery on her ear. Long story short - she was born with her right ear canal not fully formed. We were worried it would...