Stress, Pampering & Local Coffee

Stress, Pampering & Local Coffee

It's no secret that it's been incredibly stressful around here for the past several months. Health scares for both of my parents (they were both in the hospital while I was traveling for work in May), getting laid off from the job that I loved for 6 and 1/2 years, Lil' Miss getting rushed to the emergency room on the last day I was working, and her long awaited ear surgery which was last week. Now that we are on the other side of her surgery, I've been mentally preparing for my dad's upcoming open heart surgery which I'm flying up to Connecticut to be there for. Yeah, it's been a lot. 

But there's always goodness mixed in. We received amazing news from her doctor after her surgery, and she's been healing quicker than originally thought. My dad's surgery was originally scheduled for the same day which meant I wouldn't have been able to fly up and be with my family, and never mind the extra stress I would have had on that day. Woof. I've also been able to enjoy being treated by some local businesses including a custom HydraFacial at Relive Health and trying out the flavors of fall breakfast menu at Foxtail Coffee. Spoiler alert - everything was delish! 

I haven't been doing a lot of shopping lately due to being laid off, but loved this $20 dress so much in pink that I wore to the HydraFacial and to board our Southern Caribbean cruise last spring that I scooped it up in black as well for the fall months. Here in Florida I'll wear it as-is, but when flying up to Connecticut I'll throw a jacket over it and pair it with some sneakers. 

When I arrived at my appointment, I was greeted by esthetician and had photos taken to take a deeper look at my skincare needs before the main event - the customized HydraFacial. Every last second was pampering and relaxing, and I loved leaving with that beautiful glow.

Ruffle Tank Top {only $20, available in multiple colors} | Skirt

I pulled out the fall decor over the weekend, to get things decorated before I travel. I like to keep our USA and American flag decor from summer up through Patriot's Day on 9/11 so I decided to pull out all the leaves and pumpkins. Oh and of course the candles.

*The iced Amaretto Latte was DELISH*

Bodycon Midi Dress {available in 2 colors} | Sandals {20% off}

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Hello September

Hello September

I'm always sad when we reach the dusk of summertime, but I know it'll continue to be warm around here for a while. I just enjoy the longer daylight hours, carefree days, etc... Now our days are filled with rushing around, homework, after school sports, and the time just flying on by. 

Plus, I knew for months that this day would come, but today is the day Lil' Miss is having surgery on her ear. Long story short - she was born with her right ear canal not fully formed. We were worried it would affect her development, and are extremely thankful that it has not. She is a very silly, smart, sassy, energetic little girl who is thriving in school and loves being on the swim team and going to gymnastics. Looking forward to all the snuggles on the couch with my sweet girl this afternoon, and then in a few weeks I'm flying up to Connecticut to be with my family after my dad undergoes open heart surgery. 

Lots of stress and prayers this month. It's been a blessing in disguise that I was laid off at the end of May (full story here). Of course I miss doing the job that I loved and of course a steady paycheck, but I do not miss being berated by the new owner of the company, working all the time (I was always on no matter what time or what day of the week), or knowing I would have had to travel over Lil' Miss' birthday this year. No thanks. Being able to just be during all that's been going on has been just what I needed. 

Maxi Dress {only $31} | Wedges {sold out - similar}

Lots to be thankful for such as date nights, going to the parade to celebrate the Little League World Series winning team, and a sneak peek at the new VamPirates show at the Pirates Dinner Adventure in Orlando. 

And of course lots of pool time and roasting s'mores!

I was invited to preview the new VamPirates dinner show, and it was so much fun! We were treated to a pre-dinner event before going in to see the show and enjoy a three course meal. If you are in Orlando between now and Halloween, I highly recommend checking it out one evening. So fun and festive! 

Halloween costumes are encouraged, and we dug up our pirate gear to look the part for the evening. Bandanas, eye patches, and my old costume from waaaaay back made an appearance.