

It's been a while again since I showed up to this little space. Every time I think I'm going to be able to come up for air, the busy season continues. I am beyond burnt out, and my mouse pad in my office that says "I need a vacation" could not be more true right now. Between my full time job which I work way more than 40 hours a week, freelance gigs with local businesses, blog campaigns and being a mom, wife, sister, friend and daughter I have a lot on my plate. Social media never sleeps, so my...

There Must Be Some Toros in the Atmosphere

There Must Be Some Toros in the Atmosphere

A cold front has moved in, and it's been time for sweaters and boots. It was 37 degrees when I took Lil' Miss to school yesterday morning, and it wasn't for the faint of heart especially when the wind gust came through. I always joke that I didn't move to Florida to be cold, and it's true that your blood thins out. I grew up in Connecticut where it got MUCH colder than this for way longer, and now I get can't get warm when it drops below 60. Pullover {15% off} | Faux Leather Leggings | OTK...

Winter Sunshine

Winter Sunshine

Am I finally playing catch up? Other than being sick for the better part of 2 weeks, not much has been going on. Once we were able to move freely outside the house again, we've mostly been supporting local and enjoying the Florida winter weather (which is more like fall weather up north - chillier but warm enough to enjoy being outside). Mauve Jeans | Dolman Sleeve Tee {only $12} | Ankle Boots {60% off} | Jeweled Headband {only $12} | Camera Bag | Sunnies | Lipstick in...

New Year New to Me Beauty

New Year New to Me Beauty

Happy New Year! Is it ok to still say that on January 10th? Between the virus that shall not be named hitting our house for Christmas and into the New Year, and still being super busy at work I haven't had a chance to hop in here for a bit. Thankful to report that we are all much better, and if there's ever a time to get sick it's when school and gymnastics are out for Lil' Miss coupled with company holidays and PTO. We were able to hunker down at home eating Christmas cookies and watching holiday...