Weekend in Pictures

Weekend in Pictures

Another great weekend has come and gone... Happy hour at home on the patio, sparkly pedicure, shopping, and pool time with the girls. Ooh and I baked cookies! Loving this maxi dress I picked up at Old Navy with my 20% off coupon. I also picked up H a pair of shorts. I'm such a good wife :) I picked this up for daiquiris at the pool. Tasty drinks that are also guilt free are a win-win. You know how when you go on a cruise or any vacation and you collect those souvenir cups to bring home and...

Practice Safe Sun!

Practice Safe Sun!

I've read the horror stories in Glamour magazine and even have a grandfather that had melanoma 3 times (thankfully they caught it each time and he's ok). But growing up I never took it seriously that I should wear sunscreen when I was at the beach or laying out at the pool or even just simply playing outside in the sun. My mom was always good about making sure I was wearing sunscreen when I was little, but when I got into high school and college let's just say I was stupid.  For my...

It's Ok Thursday!

It's Ok Thursday!

Whoo hoo it's already Friday Eve... holla! Haha.. Linking up with Miss Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup. It's ok that... ~ I lost a few pounds while my stomach was upset for a few days, and I'm sure I've already gained them back. Why... hello new-found appetite!  ~ I was upset there wasn't a new episode of GCB this week ~ I got just a little too giddy when the Yankees beat the Red Sox not once but twice this past weekend. Their come back on Saturday was incredible!  ~...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Yay! It's already time for my mid-week link up with Jamie from This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. Hop on over and join in on the fun :)  I'm loving that after days of stomach pains I think I'm finally feeling better. (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself) I'm loving that friends of ours from CT are putting their house on the market and are also making the jump to moving down south. I'm loving that my adorable bulldog is curled up at my feet as I blog  I'm...

Fiesta Fiesta!

Fiesta Fiesta!

The fiesta that is known as the weekend is almost over *tear* However, I recently picked up Essie's Fiesta and painted my nails to help cheer myself up a bit that tomorrow is Monday.  It came out brighter than I thought. I was picturing it to come out darker, but I'm glad it was this bright. Plus it only took 2 coats! :) On Friday, H and I went to happy hour with another couple. We enjoyed some beers, cheese fries, and salad... had to throw the salad in there to not feel too guilty...

It's Ok Thursday

It's Ok Thursday

Happy Friday Eve! Linkin' up with Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup for It's Ok Thursday. It's ok that... ~ I've been wearing my hair up all week because I've been too lazy to blow dry it. Plus my ends are damaged enough.. time for a haircut! ~ I found my 1st scorpion and screamed for H to kill it! ~ I am the worst player ever on Draw Something... absolutely terrible! But I'm sure it's quite humorous to others :-P ~ I'm loving Lauren Conrad's new book "The Fame Game"...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Already time for my hump day link up with Jamie at This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. I'm loving my catch up time with my DVR. Man alive I watch too much tv :-P I'm loving all things Disney lately! I've officially been bitten by the Disney bug. We went to Typhoon Lagoon and Downtown Disney last week and now H is talking a possible Disney cruise in the fall. Bring on the hunt for the mouse ears! I'm loving my latest Pinterest finds: I'm...