What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

This week is dragging, but I am happy that it's at least hump day and time to link up with Jamie at This Kind of Love.  And before I forget... Happy Leap Year-Day! Enjoy it, as it'll be another 4 years before it graces us with it's presence again :0) I'm loving that our housewarming party went well and I wasn't too stressed out and everything was ready when guests started arriving. Monica Geller officially reported for duty :0) I'm loving that Roxy's face is all cleared up from...

Our Housewarming Party

Our Housewarming Party

This whole weekend sure took it out of me. I started baking on Thursday for our housewarming party on Saturday, and continued baking on Friday night. Then on Saturday was the overhaul of cleaning and crazy amounts of cooking and setting up. It was all so worth it though!  You know it's serious business when you've got both the kitchen aid and hand mixer going I made little signs for everything I served. Of course H made fun of me for doing so, but all the girls thought it was a great...

Boob Tube Babble Fridays

Boob Tube Babble Fridays

First and foremost... Happy Friday everyone! We made it! :-D Today's link up with Neely at A Complete Waste of Makeup is Boob Tube Babble: Throwback. What was your favorite 90's show? Wow.. where do I start? Some of the ones that stand out are Friends, Family Matters, the original Beverly Hills 90210, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and the original class of Saved by The Bell. Come on.. Zack Morris had the best cell phone ever! Family Matters Friends Saved by the Bell  Fresh Prince...

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Wow hump day came up quick since I had Monday off. Can all Mondays be a holiday?  *Wishful thinking* Time to link up with Jamie at This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. I'm loving my adorable bulldog even though her face is all swollen. We came home from work and her face was swollen, so we gave her some benadryl and she's sleeping it off. My poor girl...  I'm loving that our housewarming party is this weekend. I'm loving my mom who's birthday is later this week!  I'm...

Spring is Almost in the Air

Spring is Almost in the Air

I know I live somewhere that doesn't get too cold in the winter, but I honestly am already looking forward to spring and the warmer weather and that means sundresses, more whites and brights, and getting back to the beach.  Some people have the misconception of Florida that it's the same all the time and that it's always hot hot hot which is definitely not true. I see a difference in the seasons for sure. It's definitely been chilly the past couple of months, yes we still have some days that...

And the winner is.....

And the winner is.....

Drumroll please...... *insert the Griswold family outside waiting for Clark to turn on the Christmas lights*     Cami from First Day of My Life    Congratulations!!! :0) I had the hardest time trying to show a picture of the little box on random.org of how I got the winner. I even tried a screen shot, and that wasn't working, and I'm assuming it's due to my limited access to different programs at work. So, I finally had a lightbulb go off in my head and decided to...