Happy Pintersting Halloween!

Happy Pintersting Halloween!

Hope everyone in the northeast is staying warm and your power comes back ASAP! Tonight's the night I used to wait for all year when I was growing up. Nothing was more fun than dressing up in my new costume and going out trick-or-treating with my cousins and as I got older with my friends. My mom always ordered a pizza for dinner, and we got ready and went out and got as much candy as we could. Now that we're in the new house, we're hoping to get some little trick-or-treaters tonight. I'm going...



I stole this cute survey from Stephanie at Blonde Highlights because I thought it'd be fun to play!  A. Age:  28... my darling brother thought it was humorous to text me today out of no where and say "Haha you're almost 30". Gee thanks... but I replied back to him and said, "Actually, I'm not upset about that as much as I used to be, I'm at the best place in my life right now. I have an amazing husband, a good job, a beautiful new home, and the best doggy ever!" My life...

Guacamole and Jack-o-lanterns!

Guacamole and Jack-o-lanterns!

No Halloween party for us this year.. as much of a sad panda that makes me, I understand that most of our friends and loved ones are back in CT and we're still trying to establish good friendships down here in FL at our new home. Plus, most of our friends back home in CT were unable to get out to their annual Halloween parties due to the freak snow storm they're currently getting! A lot of them are without power, and those that do still have power are watching it flicker on and off. The snow is...

Toasting to Friday with a Skinny Girl White Cranberry Cosmo

Toasting to Friday with a Skinny Girl White Cranberry Cosmo

I know it's been out for at least a month in most areas, but I finally sent H to the packie tonight (liquor store for all you non-Connecticut born folk) to pick me up my first bottle of Skinny Girl White Cranberry Cosmopolitan. And the verdict is..... DELICIOUS! Bethenny you never cease to amaze me girl!  Happy Friday!&nbs...

Linkin' Up for Fill in the Blank Friday

Linkin' Up for Fill in the Blank Friday

Happy Friday! I had Monday off, but it still felt like this week dragged. Boo! Today, I'm linking up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do for a fun Friday post. When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut or a teacher when I grew up. As an adult, my dream job would be an interior designer. Oh HGTV how bad I'd love to have my own show with you! Switching gears... I'd also love a job as a lobbyist and actually utitlize that Political Science degree. When I was younger I wanted to be...

A not so typical anniversary

A not so typical anniversary

Today marks one year since I experienced my 1st of many labyrinthitis attacks. A year ago, I was called into my boss' office to go over some reports and as I was sitting there, this dizzy and weird sensation took over me and I wasn't sure if I was going to pass out or throw up right there. It was awful, and I completely freaked him out! I shrugged it off to low blood sugar and went home and tried to eat a healthy lunch. Didn't work.. Fast forward a few weeks, and it's not getting any better....

I'm Finally a VIB!

I'm Finally a VIB!

That's right! I'm finally a Sephora VIB! I know to some of you that's old news from years ago, and you keep your VIB status going each year, but I only recently started doing the bulk of my beauty and skin care shopping there in the past year or so. I used to purchase most of my makeup from MAC, and slowly started converting all my makeup products to Sephora not only to save money and try out new products, but to earn Beauty Insider points. MAC offered me nothing for being a loyal customer except...

Muppets OPI Nail Polish Line

Muppets OPI Nail Polish Line

I may be a little late to the game, but I just recently heard about the new limited edition line for OPI inspired by the Muppets for the holiday season! Ahhhhh I can't tell you how excited that makes me! I love all things Muppets and Kermy and Animal are my favorites! I'm doubly excited because it's coinciding with the release of the Disney's The Muppets movie hitting theaters on November 23rd. Like the movie, the polishes will be available starting in November, which I can't believe is already...

Kate Spade Friends & Family Sale

Kate Spade Friends & Family Sale

Another Friends & Family Sale! This one is for Kate Spade (my other happy place!) 30% off today through Sunday at all locations and online. If shopping online use promo code FALL11FF at checkout. Between this great sale and Sephora's Friends & Family Sale you should be able to score a lot of great deals this weekend! Happy Friday and Happy Shopping! ...

Sephora F&F Sale Online Code

Sephora F&F Sale Online Code

Good morning ladies! Sephora's Friends & Family Sale is finally here! There were a lot of rumors going around yesterday on their Facebook wall and on other blogs that they were only releasing the code to Sephora employees to distribute to their own friends and family which caused a lot of backlash. Thankfully, this morning they changed the website that I posted in yesterday's post to a place where you can enter your email address and they'll give you a one time offer code good for 20% off...

Super Excited for Sephora's Friends & Family!

Super Excited for Sephora's Friends & Family!

I've been waiting for Sephora's Friends & Family Sale for a while and it'll finally be here tomorrow! However, my mom said she got me a gift card and keeps forgetting to put it in the mail! I don't know if I should pull the trigger on my order right away or be a patient little girl and wait for the gift card that mom may or may not send in time... For those who are unfamiliar with the Sephora Friends & Family Sale, it's a promotion that runs October 20th-November 2nd. Using an offer code,...

Weekend House and Wardrobe Updates

Weekend House and Wardrobe Updates

Oh Sunday evening we meet again.. H and I had a relaxing weekend with absolutely nothing planned which was nice considering he has had a case of the sniffles and now I feel like he may be re-gifting it. We did some shopping and I am very happy to report I finally got a full length mirror! Isn't it purrty? (Ignore the box and supplies in the reflection) One of our neighbors came over to help H hang it up since the supplies it came with of course didn't work. So they went to Lowes together and got...

Product Review Overhaul

Product Review Overhaul

I realized I haven't reviewed any of my new goodies yet. So, I went up to my bathroom and snapped a bunch of what turned out to be really crappy quality pics.. sorry! I realized how badly I need a new camera. My good camera (my pink one) got sand in it at the beach so I've been using H's camera. Benefit Eye Bright from Sephora. I bought it after seeing other fellow bloggers using it in the corner of their eyes to brighten them up (I have hereditary dark circles). I must not be applying it...