Closing Out Birthday Month

Closing Out Birthday Month

Is it really the end of August already? We're a few weeks into the new school year for Lil' Miss, and my birthday has come and gone. I was excited for a belated celebration with friends this weekend at a new-to-us brunch spot. H and I finally headed to the tailor on Friday to get my gown and his tuxedo pants hemmed so we aren't tripping over ourselves on the dance floor at my cousin's wedding. Who am I kidding? I still probably will - ha! That night, Lil' Miss went to gymnastics for parent's...

Our Hogwarts Letter Arrived

Our Hogwarts Letter Arrived

...kind of. Other than visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter as much as possible with our Universal Orlando Annual Passes this is the closest we'll get to feeling accepted to the best school ever. The most adorable canvas made from a photo of our sweet pup arrived, and I can't get over how much I love it and also giggle at it. It combines two of my favorite things - our doggy that has fit seamlessly into our home and all things Harry Potter. She is appropriately a Gryffindor, and dressed...

Birthday Month Fun

Birthday Month Fun

Another birthday in the books, but we are still celebrating over here. I'm looking forward to seeing my nearest and dearest this coming weekend over a yummy brunch (of course). The weekend before my birthday, my best friend from high school was in town with her family after disembarking from a cruise. It was SO good to see her, and catch up. Our daughters are only a few months apart and instantly bonded - it was absolutely precious watching a 2nd generation friendship form. Lil' Miss also...

Fall Florals and Gowns

Fall Florals and Gowns

I can't believe that not only are we in the latter half of the month of August, but that fall is almost around the corner. Lil' Miss started kindergarten last week at her new big girl school (queue the momma who wasn't quite ready yet tears), and my cousin's wedding that she has been planning for the past two and a half years is in just a few more weeks. I'm looking forward to flying back up north to see family again after what seems like forever, Lil' Miss having some much needed cousin time and...

Weekending Catch Up

Weekending Catch Up

I may be a week late, but am playing catch up from all the fun had last weekend with family and celebrating a friend's birthday over the best meal of the week - brunch.Lil' Miss had another baseball game on Saturday morning where she was the only player on her team to get a base hit off a pitch instead of the tee. Did I mention she's the only girl on the team? After a quick dip in the pool, and some lunch at home we headed down to Universal for some rides and of course more food. Each time we go,...

Alice in Wonderland Experience

Alice in Wonderland Experience

Experience indeed! My friend Tina and I were treated to an afternoon at The Alice in Wonderland Cocktail Experience where we journeyed down the rabbit hole and enjoyed tea, a performance, delectable cookies, themed drinks and solved riddles. I even ordered a mini top hat headband fascinator just for the occasion, and will break it back out when I bring Lil' Miss to the tea room downtown that I've been wanting to check out. Always down for a good themed outing!Dress {sold out - similar}...