A Week Late

A Week Late

I may need my blogger card revoked. So much has been going on, and I have barely taken any photos. I'm still pretty burnt out, and have been creating content but it's been for work campaigns and my freelance gig. Just not much new content for around these parts. Creating content is so rewarding and fun, and I still pinch myself that I've turned it into my career. But this momma is SO looking forward to a little vacation this week. We've been self-isolating at home, and checking off all the boxes...

Jump Around

Jump Around

Jump up jump up and get down! You're welcome... for putting those lyrics in your head. I mentioned on Monday, that I'm in burnout mode and very much looking forward to a quick getaway with my little family later this month. Even with working from home this past year (which I am still SO thankful for), we have been busier than ever. We both seem to be starting earlier, and signing off later with constantly checking in at night and the weekends. It's time for a much needed break, and whether you're...

Tiered Lace and Relaxation

Tiered Lace and Relaxation

A relaxing weekend was just what I needed after several weeks of non-stop craziness. I am officially burnt out, and SO looking forward to a much needed little getaway with my family later this month. I'm emotionally, physically, and mentally fried. I am one of millions of Americans who is totally guilty of working well over 40 hours a week, plus I have a freelance gig, this blog, and try to balance it all with being a good momma, wife, sister, daughter, friend, etc.. We definitely can't do it all,...