Strawberries and Brunch

Strawberries and Brunch

To say the last couple of weeks have been busy is an understatement, but at the same time they've been filled with lots of fun and celebrations. Just a few more days before the big guy makes his way down the chimney! I was asked to attend an event at Atwood Family Farm to kick off their strawberry picking season. We told Lil' Miss she'd be picking strawberries, and that there'd be a playground so she was excited. We were greeted with fresh strawberry lemonade and strawberry shortcake...

Festive Fun

Festive Fun

We have been partaking in all the holiday fun! From festive beverages to going to see all the Christmas lights to a sleigh ride down the river, we're taking it all in before this fun season is over in the blink of an eye. I was excited to receive a fun and festive package from Van Gogh Vodka. They sent me their holiday dessert pack, and they are DELISH! I shook things up (quite literally) in an Instagram Reel last week. I'm not sure if it was more fun making the Reel or enjoying the fruits...

Tickets for Rio de Janeiro to Dubai

Tickets for Rio de Janeiro to Dubai

I can't believe it's already been a few weeks since I returned from my second whirlwind back to back work trip of the season. In just a little over 2 months I went to Las Vegas, Venice, Panama City, Rio de Janeiro and Dubai - 4 continents in 2 months. Woof. Social media may make it look glamorous because isn't globe trotting fun?! But what you don't see are the tears streaming down my face on the way to the airport because I just left my little girl, the anxiety that I'll test positive for...