My Birthday Girl

My Birthday Girl

My sweet girl turned FOUR last week, and my heart still can't figure out how that's possible! She rocked her birthday shirt that I ordered from Etsy for her to wear at Magic Kingdom (still not sure when we are going) to school where she had a cupcake party in her classroom, and came home to her requested homemade "bah-nilla" unicorn cake, presents, and lots of FaceTiming with family up in Connecticut. Perfect day for my perfect girl since we skipped the party this year for obvious reasons.I'd be...

Quality Time and Unicorns

Quality Time and Unicorns

I was thankful to grab some dinner with my little fam at one of our favorite local spots on Saturday after working another event. They have the BEST buffalo chicken wrap, and you can't beat their $3 mimosas on the weekends or the amount of tv's showing football and the darling fire place on the patio. We're in the home stretch, and only have 1 event left. It's amazing to me, how I thought it would be less strenuous without traveling around the world this year but it has still been very taxing on...

Knotted for Fall

Knotted for Fall

We've had a few breaks in the heat, but it has still been pretty warm. Although, when I think about it being 10-15 degrees hotter plus humidity in August I realize it's definitely not still "summer". It's our "Florida Fall", and we'll experience actual fall temps in the winter which in my opinion is the best way to winter. No, Olaf I don't want to build a snowman - ha! If you need a backstory - I grew up in Connecticut and have experienced enough snow, ice, gray skies, and bitter cold temps to the...

Spooktacular Weekending

Spooktacular Weekending

Happy Monday! I thoroughly enjoyed an actual real life weekend, as I've been busy with work events most of the month and have another one this coming weekend. Doesn't look like we'll make it to the pumpkin patch or the corn maze this year, but we made sure Lil' Miss wore her costume and went "trick-or-treating" at SeaWorld's Halloween Spooktacular event. In true social distancing style, her costume included a face mask, and the candy came down a shoot into her bag for zero contact. I was just so...

Let it Flow

Let it Flow

Hello there, long time no chat! Work has been crazy, but as always - a good crazy. I've been trying to soak up as much of the season with Lil' Miss as possible which means decorating pumpkins, baking apple cider donuts, and lots of nice walks. The weather has cooled off a little, but is still warm so when we went to dinner the other night at a favorite local spot we chose patio seating and both rocked flowy dresses to stay comfortable. I've been gravitating more towards women's midi dresses in...