Let it Shine

Let it Shine

Last week was a big week for my mane - I went from wanting to not let my hair see the light of day to having a "Is that really MY hair?!" moment. Due to the virus that shall not be named, I hadn't gotten my hair done since January. The split ends, dull color, and grays were out in full force so I finally plucked up the courage to see my stylist. She moved from a big salon to a salon suite which is perfect right now with all the precautions. She's in her own suite with a sliding door with it's own...

I've got the blues

I've got the blues

It is no where near cool enough to think about sweaters or even long sleeves for that matter, but I couldn't resist this off the shoulder cozy piece that will pair perfectly with shorts for the next several months. And did I mention it's Prime eligible? Hello 2 day free shipping. Sweater {only $19 and available in 8 colors} | Shorts {similar} | Ankle Boots {similar} | Double Ring | Necklace Charms | Pearl Barrette Shop this Post !function(w,i,d,g,e,t){d.getElementById(i)||(element=d.createElement(t),element.id=i,element.src="https://widgets.rewardstyle.com"+e,d.body.appendChild(element)),w.hasOwnProperty(g)===!0&&"complete"===d.readyState&&w[g].init()}(window,"shopthepost-script",document,"__stp","/js/shopthepost.js","script") JavaScript...

Birthday Fun and Coffee Catch Up

Birthday Fun and Coffee Catch Up

Grab a cup of coffee, and let's catch up. I mean it is Monday after all. I can't believe it's already been a week since my birthday - we packed a lot of fun in over the long weekend. And as I mentioned last week I actually felt like we were social distancing at SeaWorld. I know that sounds like an oxy-moron but it's true. We were outside the whole time, everyone had masks on and temps taken at the gate, and hardly ever got close to others. It's a beautiful thing, and it makes me never...

I'm Blushing

I'm Blushing

Hello Hump Day - you popped up quick as we took the day off for my birthday, and treated ourselves to a long weekend to celebrate. And by celebrate, I mean a pool day on Saturday before grabbing my favorite margarita at a local spot and then going out for ice cream, annual hibachi dinner with friends who are like family, and a day of social distancing with my little fam at a local theme park since we are passholders. I know that sounds like an oxy-moron but it's true. We were outside the whole time,...

Always Be Kind

Always Be Kind

I may have a slight reputation for loving graphic tees, especially when they have fun or inspirational quotes on them. And I can't stress enough right now how important it is to be kind. It's the best quality you can possess, and it will help change the world's outlook. I could not agree more with Luke Bryan's song "I Believe Most People are Good". This tee from Femme Luxe is giving all the positive vibes while continuing my current loungewear obsession. Because who doesn't...