Can I Shop Her Closet?

Can I Shop Her Closet?

How is it that lil' miss has a better closet than me? I may only share her around these parts from time to time, but my sweet girl ends up having more shopping sprees and her pictures take up the majority of the storage on my phone. I thought I'd switch things up today for a fun post on what has been recently added to her closet for some inspo for a sweet little one in your life especially with the holidays rapidly approaching. Auntie Emily wasn't kidding when she nicknamed my girl Baby Fashionista! !function(d,s,id){var...

A Weekend Fit for October

A Weekend Fit for October

Fall has finally arrived in Florida, and we enjoyed all the festive fun this weekend which included a visit to the corn maze with friends where lil' miss loved spending extra time with Auntie Emily and a Halloween party where we all dressed up in something fun. The weather was perfection, and has arrived just in time for Halloween this week. On Sunday, we headed to a friend's Halloween party which was also a get together before they...

Sunshine State to New England Fall Fun

Sunshine State to New England Fall Fun

I'm back from a whirlwind trip to Connecticut where we celebrated little miss' birthday with family, saw the legendary Phil Collins in concert, went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch, sipped on local wine on the CT Wine Trail, got a cone of my favorite ice cream, and I met my beautiful baby niece. I had a fabulous weekend that consisted of not one single staged blog photo (am I even a blogger when I went to the heartland of fall foliage, and didn't take "basic" pictures?! Gasp!), but my heart...

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat!

Whether you're heading to a Halloween party, taking the kiddos trick or treating, or staying home to pass out candy there are so many fun goodies at the Rosegal Halloween Sale. From fun hoodies to costumes to home and party decor I'm tempted to throw my own party this year! I'll be dressing up for a Halloween party over the weekend, and then we'll be taking lil' miss trick or treating for the first time. I plan on wearing this fun and festive look to take her around the neighborhood, and can't...